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Re: Netscape and 40 bit encryption

On Mon, 27 Mar 1995, John Hemming (Chief Executive MarketNet ) wrote:

> Given that SSL also easily allows 128 bit master key
> encryption as well as using 512 bit rsa private public
> keys. 
> Given further that the code for the rsa private public
> key is available both outside the states legally and
> also for internal use within USA and CA.
> I would have thought there is no issue anyway.

There isn't --- for companies *outside* the US.  As I understand it, US 
people can *import* strong encryption (SSL w/128 bit strength) - we just 
can't *export* it.

Yes, this gives a HUGE edge in the market to non-US based firms.

--- David
		It's *amazing* what one can accomplish when 
		    one doesn't know what one can't do!
